Four times the content.
Four times the momentum.
Four times the progress.
For less than the cost of a single counseling session, each month you can get:

Rapid Recovery from Porn Begins Now
True Change Begins When You Take Action!
Thinking about change, talking about change, promising to change are all precursors to change. But none of that matters until you take real action. Action requires you to act, to do something, and put the decision to change into motion.
Act now and experience TRUE CHANGE starting today, because Tomorrow never comes.
“Tomorrow is the day when idlers work, and fools reform and mortal men lay hold on heaven.” — Edward Young
Recovery Your Way
Pick your preferred method and get started today so tomorrow will be better.

Interactive Process Group
Every week the Covenant Men meet online to process the current module in our proven system of recovery, to help one another overcome porn, empower recovery, and apply tools to make strong and rapid progress.
This 12 month subscription program delivers 48 live process groups to you for a fraction of the cost of counseling.