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  • Overcomers Support Group for Men

    In the book of Revelation, Jesus presented  letters to the Churches, warning of issues of sin or neglect, threatening the outcomes for believers. But in those letters was a promise that to him that overcomes, there was hope and reward. 

    For the last decade, Dr Chuck, his coaches, and steadfast men of God have met each Saturday to Overcome the bondage that porn addiction for modern men. As a band of steadfast bothers, Overcoming men exhort and support one another to do better each week, in their marriages, in their families, and in their lives. 

    We invite you to join us for free, without obligation. If you are a male, 16 or older, who knows he wants and needs to change. Who wants and needs help to escape from the bondage of porn, or related issues, or just needs to know how to make his relationship work after getting right sexually, then this group is for you. 

    Join us Saturday at 10:00 a.m. EST on zoom using the link below. Its free of charge or obligation. Become an Overcomer! 

    Meeting ID: 839 3005 6657

    Passcode: Free