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You Tube Episodes: Surviving Divorce Series
Surviving Divorce – Ep 01 – Making the Intolerable Tolerable
Making the Intolerable tolerable presents the crisis of divorce and how to mentally frame it so that you can begin the long process of healing. In this episode, Dr Chuck talks to Kathy Ahearn and Dr James Strickland who each facilitate DivorceCare groups. They share their insights with Dr Chuck in the first of 12 episodes designed to help those who are starting, in the process of, or recovering from a divorce. Surviving divorce is difficult at best, but it can be done.
Surviving Divorce – Ep 02 – Healing from Divorce is a Process
Until you experience the pain, you may not believe that divorce is a traumatic wound that must be healed. Most people who are going through the process believe that the pain of the marriage will end with the divorce, and then life will get back to normal. But they soon find that the marital angst continues post-divorce and combines with the wounds of divorce. So healing is needed. In this episode, Dr Chuck talks to Kathy Ahearn and Dr James Strickland who each facilitate DivorceCare groups. They
Surviving Divorce – Ep 03 – Anger Bitterness and Rage in Divorce
In this episode, Dr Chuck talks to Kathy Ahearn and Dr James Strickland who each facilitate DivorceCare groups. They share their insights with Dr Chuck on how anger and bitterness impact all parties in a divorce situation. Learn about the origins of anger and the progression that it takes when hurts are not resolved.
Surviving Divorce – Ep 04 – Is it a Boundary or Control
Few people can differentiate between applying boundaries in life and trying to control others. In many marriages and divorces control seems to be the biggest problem. To be healthy, you need to know when someone is trying to control another person, or if they are simply applying a healthy boundary. Dr. Chuck hosts Dr James and Kathy from local DivorceCare groups to discuss this vital topic to surviving a divorce in a healthy way.
Surviving Divorce – Ep 5 – Being Responsible to not Responsible For
Being Responsible to, not responsible for others. Often before, during, and after divorce, the conflict drives us all into wanting to help the other person be better, to heal faster, to take on responsibility for self, to create forgiveness, to offer solace, or to take on emotional content for the other person. Being responsible for another is taking on the responsibility or ownership of the other persons success in the marriage, or their recognition of the damage is so tempting. Then there is
Surviving Divorce – EP 6 – Sex and Soul Ties of the Separated and Newly Single
Divorce creates the sudden absence of sexual companionship and sexual intimacy. When combined with the loneliness that often follows separation and divorce, and the loss of identity that also follows, it is understandable that the void of sexual intimacy cries out for connection. Today’s topic confronts the drives and the pitfalls of soul ties and sexual disconnection. Dr James and Kathy from DivorceCare are todays guests with Dr Chuck
Surviving Divorce – Ep 07 – Collateral Damage
Divorce creates damage, and that damage creates victims. In this episode, Dr Chuck talks to Kathy Ahearn and Dr James Strickland who each facilitate DivorceCare groups. They share their insights with Dr Chuck the many facets of damage that occurs from divorce. Understanding helps to heal and mitigate damages.
Surviving Divorce – Ep 08 – Finances of Divorce
One of the best predictors of family poverty is divorce. Divorce divides one household into two, devastating the family finances, at least for a time. Knowing what to expect and how to manage it can become crucial to survival. In this episode, Dr Chuck talks to Kathy Ahearn and Dr James Strickland who each facilitate DivorceCare groups.
Surviving Divorce – Ep 09 Being Alone but Not Lonely
Being alone does not mean you must be lonely. But many people feel a keen sense of loneliness due to separation and divorce. In this episode, Dr Chuck talks to Kathy Ahearn and Dr James Strickland who each facilitate DivorceCare groups. They share their insights about what it was and is like to become suddenly single again, even after a negative marriage.
Surviving Divorce – Ep – 10 Forgiveness in Divorce
Forgiveness is misunderstood by most people. Forgiveness is not granting a free pass, nor does it exonerate the bad actors. Forgiveness allows the wounded person to heal and move forward. Join Dr Chuck, Kathy Ahearn, and Dr James Strickland as they discuss the nature and need for forgiveness in divorce.
Surviving Divorce – Ep 11 – Do Overs
Divorce is like a test that everybody failed. It makes sense that you would want a do over to set your life back into healing and stability. Divorce can trigger immense grief and shame, frustration and a need to re-script your life, perhaps deny history, and create a new story. Dr Chuck is joined once again by Kathy and Dr James on this seldom discussed topic of divorce.
Surviving Divorce – Ep 12 – Reconciliation
What is reconciliation in Divorce really all about. Today Dr Chuck and his friends Kathy and Dr James discuss their views on reconciliation, the what, how, and why of reconciling a divorce.