Make an Appointment: 757-965-5450 |   [email protected]

  • Porn Addiction Recovery

    Covenant Men is a specialized group designed to help you once and for all break free from porn addiction and related cyber-sexual or sexual addictions. These are perhaps the hardest of all addictions to overcome and need some very specialized guidance. With porn/cyber addictions, the mind is overtaken in so many ways, typically starting in youth, and ingrained deeply over time. Knowing where to start is daunting if you are trying to do it alone.

    Common first efforts are typically to try and tough it out, to just stop. But it is not really possible to white knuckle yourself into quitting. Noble as your efforts might be, the likelihood for failure is above 99%. To truly succeed, you must look deeper into the brain chemistry and its systems of reward, coping, habit, and love mapping, the systems that have been hijacked as porn diverted your normal sexual development.

    Our proven method addresses the causes, the cure, and the relationship challenges related to saving you from your addiction. Simultaneously, you learn to lift your spouse and your relationship out from the betrayal trauma that threatens to collapse your marriage.

    Becoming a Covenant Man is more than just stopping a bad behavior. It is about destroying the enemy within that is taking over your destiny as a man of valor and honor.

    We will help you unlock the strongholds in your life that are hidden from you, and forever alter the habits and choices that keep porn coming back. We will teach you how to hear from and heal your wife, if you are married, and to protect your future spouse if you are not.

    Ultimately, you will learn to restore the covenant you have with yourself that will drive you into success as a man in life, not just away from porn.

    There are three ways you can work through the 16 modules: in an intensive therapeutic group with written materials, support videos, weekly activities and lessons, and a weekly online process and coaching group hosted by Dr Chuck and his expert coaches. With a structured process supported by 12 monthly coaching groups. Or as a self-guided self-study pack for those who want to do the program on their own. 

    Choose your preferred approach to best meet your needs and your budget, through a one time commitment self-study pack, or one of two subscription models to spread the cost over one year and get maximum support and less than 1/4 the cost for individual counseling. Just click the button below to see the current offers and details. 

    Recover Your Way

    Not every man has the same underlying needs, or can make the same approach. Connect Counseling offers three primary vehicles to Porn and Cyber-sexual or Infidelity Recovery. Chose the method that works for you, or combine them for the most powerful recovery possible.

    Free Support for Men

    Men from all over meet each Saturday at 10am eastern on Zoom, for free! Porn addiction, cybersex, sexual acting out, and infidelity all assault the marriage. That much we know. But it also assaults a man’s self-image to the core, creating a narcissistic wounding that just won’t stop. The more you use it, the worse you feel. The more you try to stop it and fail, the worse you feel. Being honest with your wife and watching her in pain, the worse you feel. Eventually, most men simply give up and give in to the addiction once again.

    Support groups done right have a huge benefit to men who struggle. We know you will never get free from white knuckling with willpower. You will never be free with punishments, external control psychologies, or even from losing your marriage. Freedom comes with knowledge, then skillful action. Join us to change your future, with other men who have been there and come out from the pit of shame and defeat to live victoriously after recovery. Join us on Zoom each Saturday at 10:00 am EST (link below, password = Free) Start your journey out of captivity today!

    Recovery Intensive Online

    If you have tried those “Purity Groups” at church, or tried Sex Addiction counseling, or 12-step groups, only to find that you are shoved into perpetually toxic shame, guilts, and feelings of worthlessness, then you have discovered why many have failed. Porn and infidelity are not simply a “sin” issue that demands discipline and punishment, nor can it simply be prayed away. There are reasons that you are trapped, and you need to discover those reasons before you can defeat them. Your marriage will continue to suffer and decay until you learn that this recovery challenge is not about bad behavior, its about programming and conditioning. To save your relationship, to save your self-esteem, and to save your future, you need more.

    Our hybrid group approach combines the synergy of therapeutic process group with the expert guidance of trained counselors and coaches, plus the same written materials and worksheets Dr Chuck uses in one-on-one recovery counseling, all supported by hours of support videos and after-hours chat forums. 

    Join us for perhaps the most cost-effective evidence-based program you can find, one that has a high success rate, and does not subject men to messages of shame and worthlessness, while still supporting their wife’s journey to healing and the restoration of the marriage. Enroll today to change your tomorrow!

    Let's work together

    Sometimes it takes a little bit more to break free. When men have deeper hurts and fear, most often associated with childhood trauma, abuse, or neglect, or other times with failed or traumatic relationships experiences, porn and cybersex hold aggressively. Deep hurt creates deep need for affirmation, connection, control, image, and many other facets of self-identity. When this is the case, or if saving your marriage is urgent, individual counseling and coaching is the best solution. Dr Chuck will personally guide you through a more customized version of the recovery process, while rooting out those hidden traps and triggers that cause you to fail or stumble. He will give you strategies to recovery your relationship, if possible, while also recovering who you are, or were, before porn hijacked your life.

    One on one counseling can accelerate your recovery, but it is also for assuring that you do all you can do to stop harming others, restore your relationship, or in some cases, to prepare you for a future relationship that will not be impacted by porn and infidelity. The cost for one on one is greatly reduced for those who are active military or Christian believers; the two groups that are most at risk of losing their marriages over infidelity. Set up a free consultation by emailing Dr Chuck Today at the link below.

    If you are looking for just the materials, we have those on Amazon!

    The Renewed Mind is an instructive manual that takes you from the origins of your addiction in those early years, through the development of your current cycle of acting out. Along the way, discover tools to help you stop harming your wife, to reconnect safely to her, and to communicate through the pain. In the Renewed Mind process, we address the whole man and his struggle with porn and related issues. We will help set you on a new path, for life, that is porn free and victorious in all areas of manhood through Biblical perspectives. Available on Amazon at the link below.

    The Companion Workbook, that contains all the worksheets and weekly materials for the 16-weekly modules used in group can also be found on Amazon at the link below.

    Get both and begin your recovery as a self-study or form a small group at your church!

    …Then let’s chat!

    If you are looking to join the free Saturday Support Group:

    Click the Button to be taken to the Zoom meeting link, and use pass code Free to join each Saturday at 10:00 am New York time zone.

    Need More Information?

    Schedule a free Discovery Coaching Call with Dr Chuck! Click here and request a text or call, or if you are ready to start, schedule a consultation or counseling/coaching session. Remember, Today is the day to act, because tomorrow never comes.

    Rates, Discounts, and Insurance

    We have striven to keep the costs for services down as much as possible during a time when everything seems to be going up. To do this, our primary vehicle for counseling is to provide the majority of our counseling through Tele-health (video) technologies. For those few clients who believe that only face to face counseling will suit them, we offer limited in-office counseling in Chesapeake VA by appointment only. To see our schedule of rates and discounts, click the button below.